Do you have a company in Graz and have employed recognised refugees or would like to do so? Do unexpected questions arise regarding migration law, recognition of certificates, language skills, trauma or intercultural interaction? ZEBRA accompanies your company and your employees, who experienced flight, through the challenges of everyday work.

In Austria, recognised refugees have full access to the labour market. In cooperation with the City of Graz, ZEBRA has developed the free, multilingual service #BCB4COMPANY for businesses in Graz that employ or would like to employ recognised refugees. No matter if it is a large company or an individual enterprise: In a diverse workforce, different issues or unexpected challenges can arise in everyday working life, to which suitable answers must then be found.


  • Do you employ people with refugee experience in your company and want to strengthen corporate culture?
  • Do you want to employ a refugee, but there are still points to clarify?
  • Your employee has certificates from his/her country of origin. What do you have to take into account?
  • Are there misunderstandings with the refugee employee in everyday work?
  • And much more.


In a first meeting we clarify your needs. The ZEBRA experts develop and guide the company towards finding solutions by means of:

migration law, validation/nostrification, labour market integration

intercultural coaching in the company, conversation in the respective first language, diversity-oriented and cultural-sensitive approach

developing individual, needs-oriented solutions, accompaniment during implementation

ZEBRA has been working in the areas of migration, flight and asylum for more than 30 years. As a centre of excellence, ZEBRA supports organisations transitioning towards greater interculturality and diversity management.

Our lengthy and diverse experience with your needs makes us the ideal partner for your company and your employees.


ZEBRA – Interkulturelles
Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum

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