Immigration law

You want to live in Austria and need information on the Residence Act? Your asylum proceedings are ongoing, and you have questions? You would like to bring your family to Austria? You want to apply for citizenship? Or you want to work in Austria? Laws are complicated and difficult to understand. That is why it is important to have support. ZEBRA employs legal experts who can answer your questions, if necessary, with the help of interpreters.

We can advise you on these topics:

  • Settlement and Residence Act
    • General requirements for residence permits
    • Family reunification
    • Immigration for other reasons
    • Right of residence under EU law for EEA citizens and their family members
    • Asylum Act and Styrian Basic Provision Act
  • Asylum procedure and basic provision
  • Citizenship Act
    • General requirements for granting citizenship
    • Application procedure
  • Employment of Foreign Nationals Act
    • Nationals of the European Union (free movement of workers)
    • Asylum seekers, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
    • Third-country nationals
    • Work permit for foreign pupils, students and graduates


ZEBRA – Interkulturelles
Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum

Please contact us to make an appointment!

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