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mission statement


What we aim for

Due to changes in society and demographics, social and ethnic diversity has become more and more present in today’s society. We at ZEBRA work towards a society that perceives diversity as an opportunity, and in which people live together with mutual respect.

We envision a society,

  • where social and ethnic diversity is a given,
  • that is shaped by mutual acceptance, equal opportunities, and participation in society for all,
  • and that provides space for individual growth and expansion while respecting each other.


What we do

We support people on their way towards self-determined participation in society. In particular, we offer assistance for migrants and refugees. Our approach focuses on strengthening the clients so they are capable of self-dependently coping with challenges and overcoming crises. Thus, our work contributes to the building of self-efficacy and improves the quality of life of our clients.

Our work draws attention towards the interests of a particular group in society that often remains unheard or marginalized. This is who we stand up for. Consequently, we promote the diverse and cross-cultural reality in today’s society.

In addition to our work with clients, we are a reliable partner for multipliers, organizations, institutions, and local authorities. Together we have a lasting effect on embedding cross-cultural matters.  This way, ZEBRA works on promoting social cohesion on local, regional, and cross-regional levels. 

Working transparently is our top priority. This becomes evident in our interactions with clients, multipliers, stakeholders, as well as our cooperations with funding providers and sponsors. We continue to consistently refine our offer in an innovative way. By doing that, we respond to socio-political developments and are able to provide adequate support in different areas.

Our team at ZEBRA represents social diversity and demonstrates success of an intercultural workplace. The interdisciplinary skills among our team are marked by expertise, commitment, and responsible actions.


our guiding principles

Founded in 1987, ZEBRA has since then been commited to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We act in accordance with the prime principal: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Thereby, we advocate on all levels for traumatizing experiences made through severe human rights violations such as war and violence to be acknowledged.  

Our day-to-day work is led by respect, empathy, and commitment. Treating people respectfully and with appreciation: This is how we at ZEBRA interact with our colleagues as well as with our clients. The values we represent are applied in our work with our clients by empowering people to lead their lives effectively and confidently.

We follow an apporach sensitive to culture. Wich means consciously recognising, reflecting on and integrating the diversity of individual life plans. In addition, we benefit from each other through continuously exchanging our know-how.

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the story of ZEBRA

ZEBRA was founded in 1986. Founding members were invested in the human rights movement and part of Amnesty International. This commitment is a major part in ZEBRA’s work until today.

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