Intercultural Psychotherapy

Have you had to experience war and flight and is this a heavy burden for you? Do you suffer from anxiety, feel sad or have sleeping problems? At ZEBRA there are people who can help you: with psychotherapy. Children, young people and adults can use this service. Psychotherapy means that regular appointments are made with you over a longer period of time. An interpreter is provided during these appointments. Therapy gives you the opportunity to talk about your problems and receive support. You may talk about traumatic experiences in the past and deal with them with the help of a psychotherapist. When you come to psychotherapy, there is the possibility of also attending body therapy. Here is where you will learn relaxation and movement techniques that have a positive effect on your physical well-being and your emotional world. Maybe you will also need medical-psychiatric counselling in addition to psychotherapy. ZEBRA offers interpreter-assisted counselling also in this case. And if further help is needed, for example in everyday life or with authorities/offices/doctors, our social workers will support you.

In cooperation with the psychosocial counselling centres, psychotherapy is also offered in other regions.

These regions are:

  • Hartberg
  • Judenburg
  • Leibnitz
  • Kapfenberg

Please make an appointment!


ZEBRA – Interkulturelles
Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum

With financial support by

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